A State of Mind

I don’t know if I’ve written about this before, but even if I have I’m doing it again because its such a prominent thing for me at the moment. I don’t give a fuck. About anything. I don’t care about my grades, I don’t care about my health, I don’t care about my cutting. IContinue reading “A State of Mind”

The Surprise of Kindness

Before I start this post, I’d just like to say that I’ve started a non-profit YouTube channel for hopefully helping save the environment. If you could check it out and maybe subscribe that would be amazing, I have two videos on there already: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-g2DXCZtJyce9eVzUlkGKw. Now onto the post. This is always a warming story forContinue reading “The Surprise of Kindness”

Things Worth Living For

Last Saturday, I came close to ending my life. I was advised by a friend (the same friend described here)that I should write a list of all the things that makes my life worth living. If you are in a similar mindset, I would highly recommend this. It won’t work for everyone, but if IContinue reading “Things Worth Living For”

Happy, Happy, Happy

I really don’t understand my brain. How can I go from the lowest point of my life (self-deprecation, self harm etc, read my posts titled Going Down and Nothing Really Matters)to where I am now, which is…almost HAPPY. Now I say that with a grain of salt. I don’t think I’ve been truly happy consistentlyContinue reading “Happy, Happy, Happy”

My Desire for, and Fear of, Attention

This post is going to show a negative aspect of my character. I’m not very proud of myself for feeling these emotions, but I like to be real and honest, and writing all this done is good for me. So, attention. I love attention. No, I hate attention. No, I love it. I think IContinue reading “My Desire for, and Fear of, Attention”

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